Disaster Relief in Louisiana
Posted by William Schuberth on Sep 07, 2016
District 6440 is currently poling the district membership to find out if any members are interested in volunteering to do a hands on trip to Louisiana to help those persons in the flood stricken areas. The district also has a (501c3) set up to take monetary donations for flood relief in Louisiana. If you are interested in a hands on experience please contact me in person or by email at billdisasterrelief@gmail.com. If you would like to donate money to the cause through the district through our newly developed (501c3) you can do so by going to the following site https://rotary6440.org/Sitepage/district-6440-charitable-fund-information. If you have any problem you can call me or email me at billdisasterrelief@gmail.com...The flood stricken area is not as large as the flood from Hurricane Katrina, but the affected areas received much more extensive damage especially the schools in Livingston Parish. About 16 schools were flooded out and only about 6-7 will be opening up in the next week. It will be a couple of months before the others will be able to open to the students because of the extensive damage.