I would like to wish all our members a Happy New Year filled with happiness and love for all of those we hold dear to us.
New Year’s Day is a time to look back at the old year and see how we can make the new year even better than the last one. It is time to make resolutions for the coming year to make ourselves better people and better Rotarian’s. It is also a time to make a resolution to actually fulfill our resolutions and not to give up on them before the end of January.
My suggestion is to keep your resolutions within reason so you have a chance of keeping them. Another suggestion is to inform our spouses of our resolutions so that we will be given constant reminders in a timely and maybe not so friendly manner.
One good resolution would be to look at the “Spinning Wheel” every week especially for the next two months so you will know where you are going when you head for the next rotating meeting. A lot of us have a car that is on auto pilot and it automatically goes to the Country club every Friday at 12 noon. If this is the case for you, you better reprogram your GPS in you brain to manual control and check the bulletin to get to the correct meeting place.