Posted by William Schuberth on Sep 19, 2017
Hurricane relief efforts are underway thru District 6440.  The district is accepting donations for Hurricane victims thru its Charitable Foundation 501C3.  To make donations click on the district web site and go to the home page. on foundation 2. click on make donation 3. click on hurricane relief or hurricane Harvey or  Irma  and make donation thru credit card or Pal Pal or send a check for the desired amount. So far We have received over $5000 in donations thru the Charitable Foundation.  The district is also polling its members for those interested in participating in a hands on trip to go to the areas stricken. To register  start with the district web site home page and look for the link to volunteer services for hurricane victims and fill out the questionnaire.  If we have enough interest we will initiate efforts on a trip or trips to the area to help out. Make sure you fill out area for the dates of travel that are best for you.