Just as I was ready zone out and relax for the evening and listen to more news of the awful event of the day in New York where a terrorist drove a truck into people on a bicycle path in New York City killing 8 persons and injuring at least 11 others I remembered some of my Rotarian responsibilities. We are lucky. As Rotarians we don't have to think about what to do with our free time. We have already filled much of it up with good things to do for others. Coming into the holidays gives us one of our busiest seasons as Rotarians. When others are complaining about nothing to do we just have to look forward in our calendars and see that we have lot of things to do in our quest to perform " service above self".
When others are bored and feeling sorry for themselves our lives are filled with all sorts of activities like "Tag Days", Christmas Clearing House, preparations for the upcoming dinner auction, and an exciting evening with great friends at our first Friday Fireside meeting at Jackie Speciale's house this coming Friday. And for me, instead of zoning out this evening, I was lucky enough two get to communicate with all my fellow Rotarians by writing the bulletin for this week. As a thought for some of our more literate members if you are interested in seeing yourself in print Kent Luke and I would probably consider sharing some of the fun of publishing the weekly bulletin with another Rotarian or two. Interested parties can apply in person or on line to our official publisher Kent Frisbie. I am sure we could find a spot in our rotation for a qualified candidate.
So lets all keep doing good things for others because I personally believe that when w do good things for others it is one of the best ways to help us feel good about ourselves and our purpose here in this world. Bill Schuberth